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Parent Resources

Everybody, Everyday! Attendance Matters

Together we CAN increase attendance in our schools!!!! Everybody matters, Everyday!!! Please see below for more information on how important attendance is.

Parents Portal

The link below will direct parents to the ParentPortal. Parents should use their assigned user id and password.

​Celebrations / Parties / Snacks

Please see your child’s teacher to make arrangements in advance if you would like to provide a treat.

When providing snacks, we request that they meet the USDA Smart Snack Policy. They should be nutritious and prepackaged unless they are fresh fruit. Items containing peanuts or other food that trigger allergies are not permitted in classrooms where peanut/food allergies exist. We value the health and wellness of our children and staff. A “snack” is a commercially pre-packaged, non-potentially hazardous, ready-to-eat food item. Food prepared in a private home shall not be used, sold or offered. [Ref. 64E-11.003(9)] Only pre-packaged foods and drinks that require no refrigeration for safe consumption are distributed to our students in the classroom.

Nutrition Requirements

  • Calorie limits: ≤ 200 calories
  • Sodium limits: ≤ 230mg
  • Fat limits: Total fat: ≤ 35% of calories; Saturated fat: < 10% of calories
  • Trans fat: zero grams
  • Sugar limit: ≤ 35% of weight from total sugars in food

We value our instructional time with students. The time allocated for parties is limited. Celebrations will be held after lunch on the picnic table or in the student’s classroom. Invitations to private parties should not be distributed at school or on the bus. Siblings are unable to attend, as this presents a liability for the school. Siblings/friends should not be taken from their classroom as this is a disruption in their academic learning. Thank you so much for your cooperation and understanding.